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Diane McLeroth Collection

Diane McLeroth was very active with Briards for 53 years. She acquired her first A.K.C. registered Briard and A.K.C. Champion in 1966. She was the author/researcher for the article "Briard Coat Color", which was published in 1969, and is available here to read. Diane authored the book "The Briard", Copyright 1982. At the time it was the only book in English written solely about Briards. She was very active in the Briard Club of America, where she served in the following ways:


  • Briard AKC Standard Revision Committee - 1969 through 1975, when the Revised Standard was adopted by A.K.C.

  • Publications Editor - 1972 through 1989

  • Chairman, Judges' Education - 1973 through 1989

  • Chairman, AKC Briard Video Committee - 1983 through 1989

  • National Breed Club Secretary - 1973 through 1984

  • Director, National Board - 1983 through 1987

  • National Historian - 1973 to 1993

  • Historian Committee - 1993 to 1995

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The documents in this library were provided by Diane McLeroth, and include publications of The Briard Fellowship, and of the Briard Club of America. The Briard Fellowship was a Briard club that was independent from the Briard Club of America for several years. The Briard Fellowship publications include a commentary on the Briard and newsletters covering the years 1951 through 1959, with gaps in between. The BCA publications include Dew Claw publications from the years 1953 through 1994, the BCA Constitution and Bylaws from 1944, a National Specialty Catalog from 1978, and a Dew Claw index covering the years 1964 through 1979.

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