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Specialty Catalog Ad Information

The Club is using an AKC-licensed show superintendent this year and they have specific rules to follow. The window of opportunity to get ads in is short. AD DEADLINE to Terri Hunt ( is JULY 17, 2024 at NOON EDT.  All ads must be submitted as they are to be printed.  The BCA will not lay out ads for people this year.   That is a very hard deadline, folks. They will take a late ad or two, but the price jumps a lot to do that, and it is still subject to them rejecting it. All ads MUST go to Terri Hunt who will send to the to the Superintendent. They will not take one from anyone else. 

1. ALL ads will be printed in COLOR.

2. Full page regular ad is $49. A Two page ad from one person discount is $80.

3. Full page Memorial/or Specialty support ad is $44 

4. Late received ads will cost $75 per page. (will be returned if the Superintendent refuses the ad.) The deadline on late receipt for any chance of acceptance is 4 days late--- JULY 21, 2024. It still must be sent to Terri Hunt.  


5. Payment can be made to the BCA through Treasurer Marty Gawry or you can use the buttons below.


Martin Gawry

2584 Shaker Rd.

Cleveland Heights, OH 44118-4202




********* AD PAGE Requirements ***************

1.  Page design area is 4-1/2 " wide x 7-1/8" high (you can set it up on a 1/2 sheet of paper horizontal on your screen and mark off the design area using the rulers on most design software).

2.  Ads will be in color  

3. Send ads at 300 dpi/ppi resolution (important).

4. Send the ad in one of the following formats : JPG, TIFF, PNG.


We don’t have any products to show here right now.

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